001_Adventure Awaits

Door behind me.
Road ahead is calling.

I left my hometown of Rochester, NY on May 4th to pursue a career in travel nursing. Formally a staff nurse in the local emergency department, I’ve decided that there is too much in the world still yet to see and experience. From landscapes to cultures to illness, I want to absorb it all and base my world view on a broader spectrum and describe it with a more fruitful vocabulary. So, where to first? Alaska. I KNOW! I can picture no better way to spend my summer than with 22hrs of sunshine daily and a glacier in my backyard. High temperatures in the 60s is… alright, but I’ll take what I can get because Rochester has been nothing but clouds, rain, and early May snow-showers. So my first ever blog is a detailed account of my adventure before the adventure, purposefully naming favorite places and specific experiences. This one is mainly for me. Goodbye Rochester. Goodbye family and friends. Hello Alaskan strangers!

First Goodbye: Rochester

The first, and hardest, goodbye was to my family and friends in Rochester. Involving several small get-togethers at my apartment as well as several more one-on-one’s at bars and restaurants , I was overcome with gratitude at the people I had gathered in my life. Even my cousin from hours away came through to wish me good luck. Saying goodbye to my hometown AGAIN  has been one of the most important parts of this journey for me. The first time I was in a hurry to grow up and become someone. This time, I was in no rush. I am a fully formed human with many aspirations but I have a brighter head on my shoulders and stronger roots in the ground. I’ve never been one to feel strongly about a place. I’ve never needed to be physically near my family. The itch in me to run off somewhere new, fueled by fear and positive intentions, has always been too powerful to ignore. So I often set off at record speed, hardly looking behind me to see how it affected my family and those I left behind. But this time was different. This time I made sure to see as many family members as I could, as many friends as I could, as many times as I could, by whatever means possible. The morning of my departure, I walked onto my front porch, the metal knob cold in my hand as I closed the door behind me. I had checked and rechecked the house several times. My father waited patiently in the car. I paced up and down the porch steps, running through everything in my mind, checking off boxes that had already been checked. I was reluctant to leave, though. The clock read 6am. The longer we waited the more we were pushing it for a 7:40am departure and the later it would make my dad who had work at 7am. We both knew this. But what we were waiting for was too important. It was my last Rochester goodbye. After a week or more of missing each other, my brother and I had still not met up to say goodbye. It was a long shot, but I remembered that he usually gets out of work around when I would be leaving for the airport. He said he’d try to get out on time. The sound of his tires pulling into my driveway nearly brought tears to my eyes. If it hadn’t worked out, I guess it wouldn’t have been a big deal. Our lives would have kept going. The world would have kept spinning. But there’s something unique about a sibling relationship. A total stranger in many rights but the one who understands why you are the way you are in a way that no one else can. I guess I could say that hugging my brother goodbye in the nick of time, wishing him well, and asking that he stay in touch was no big deal. Except that it was the biggest deal of all.

Second Goodbye: NYC

The city that never sleeps. Where I met some of my very best friends. The place that introduced to me both Buddhism and molly. Only a one-day stop, but always worth it. My favorite place to eat: Peacefood Cafe. I leave with a grasshopper cookie in hand and a smile on my face every time. Though a slightly disappointing mani-pedi from Haven ensued, the trip was necessary. There is a certain energy about New York. A certain unspoken understanding among pedestrians that we are all unique, all artists, all on this Earth for a purpose. As cheesy as it sounds, there’s a vibration in the air that is contagious. I hold my head higher. I walk taller. My back straighter. I feel the value of hard work and creativity.

A quick visit with a friend currently studying for law school exams beautifully captured the essence of true friendship. I feel emotional when she thanks me for making time to see her during my busy schedule. MY busy schedule! Such a sweetheart.

After an enlightening discussion with my Dharma teacher about habits and human nature and an elegant Epsom salt bath, I was more than ready for bed. The problem: I was too wired to sleep! #theworst. I tossed and turned for at least five hours and before I knew it, my alarm rang 2:30am and I was dreading life. Luckily for me, my host and dear friend sensed my rising, brewed a pot of coffee despite my protestation, and saw me off. I left New York feeling truly loved. My former home. My former love. No pictures or shenanigans. A quiet hello and a somber goodbye as I officially leave the East coast for the foreseeable future.

Shortly after a swift and expensive Lyft, I found myself at my gate with leftover tofu scramble and a coffee in hand. A grin across my lips, silently bragging, I enjoyed my time being EARLY to the airport. No scrambling for this girl! AND my vegan food made it through security. Because I would have held up the TSA line to eat that tofu. No chance I was throwing that out… lol.

Third Goodbye: Las Vegas

But first, get the rental car. Now, when I tell you that it was a process, I mean it was a PROCESS! Three shuttles later we arrive at Fox Enterprise. And that’s three shuttles where I had to lug around two suitcases and a bag wearing 4 layers of clothing which I had to wear in order to keep my checked bag under 50lbs. Which, if we can go back for a moment– how dare they start charging for both carry-on space and checked luggage! They cram us in like sardines and then have the audacity to charge us for space that just last year was free. I hate being taken advantage of. Who travels without a carry on?? But I guess that’s the point… I digress.

And so, with sweat dripping from my brow and my shirt(s) sticking to my clammy back, my Las Vegas travel companion and I were finally sitting in the rental and ready to leave the lot. The agenda for day 1 comprised of day-drinking and hotel lobby spotting. We ate brunch at Vegenation, one of my favorite Las Vegas spots, and it did not disappoint. It is a self-proclaimed mission for me to try each vegan restaurant’s version of buffalo wings and to rate them. My travel companion eagerly agreed to join the cause. :p. Per our expert opinion, Vegenation gets high marks for both taste and texture. After landing at Luxor and struggling to figure out how to self-park, we took in the impressive display of Egyptian art and got dressed for our first day on the Strip. Since everyone says that day clubs are “uniquely Vegas” and “the place to be,” we made that our first stop. We felt awkward and too old to be at Marquee Day Club, though. Kids in their early 20s were hitting on us and there was no where available to sit down or even place our belongings while we danced. We paid $16 a piece for gin and sodas and there was a clump of hair in the pool. Suffice it to say, we will be trying out a different spot next time. Next came dinner at A Slice of Vegas where we shared a most delicious pie of vegan BBQ pizza and rated their cauliflower wings as “good” but not surpassing those from Vegenation. Their distinctly cauliflower taste was refreshing though, we agreed. Visiting the hotel lobbies at night was a highlight and always proves worthy of one’s time. Having been to Las Vegas before, I was familiar with Caesars Palace and Bellagio and I did not regret seeing them again. Magnificent works of art detailed the main entrances, the casinos, and the shops playing with negative space and various themes. My newfound favorite: The Venetian. I love museums, especially art museums with paintings, so I found this to be a wonderful adaptation.

Day 2 was a mix of planning meets spontaneity. Inspired by the addition of one more friend, we ventured to an art piece that she had seen on Instagram: Seven Magic Mountains. Created by Swiss artist, Ugo Rondinone, as a “creative expression of human presence in the desert” (see link, homepage), this public art display is located in the Ivanpah Valley just 10miles south of Las Vegas and open for viewing until 2021. I realized at this moment that a theme in my life is appreciating art in it’s varying modes of expression. Even when being spontaneous, it somehow involves artwork. I am not upset by this revelation. The three of us girls then continued North to take in Red Rock Canyon. We entered with my National Parks Pass, which I highly recommend purchasing. At only $80, this pass is good for one full year from the month of purchase and allows one vehicle free entry into all federal lands including national parks and forests. The only caveat is that only two signatures are allowed on the back of the card, meaning that one of those two people must be present, with photo ID, in order to use the pass. Since purchasing in April of 2019, I have already saved $50 on entrance fees– one more entrance and I will have broken even on the cost of the pass! And so, back to Red Rock Canyon, it was beautiful, yadda yadda. What can I say? I’m a sucker for nature and am continuously blown away by it’s history and marvel at the notion of how it all comes to be. The sun dances across bold dashes of bright red rock that was produced thousands of years ago by iron deposits. We hike for a short while, meeting bugs and flowers scattered along the way, and we talk about all of the topics. Three girls enjoying nature. What more could we ask for?? Well, I’m glad you asked! Because, in stark contrast, for dinner we find ourselves back in Vegas enjoying a meal at Carson Kitchen (where I eat the most amazing rainbow carrots w/ sautéed chickpeas and quinoa that I have ever eaten in my whole life and have yet to stop thinking about!) and taking a tour of Old Town which is nothing like what we expected (which, in all fairness, we didn’t do much research about it in the first place so expectations were minimal). For several blocks that are pedestrian only, we walked and we people-watched. Some were drinking and laughing, impersonators of all types were present, and a different band was playing on each block ranging from country to rock. Luckily, we quickly found ourselves tired and heading back to the hotel. Part of me feels sad but drinking and nightlife have not found their way into my #thisis30!

Seven Magic Mountains (Left); Red Rock Canyon (Right)

Day 3 was sketchy but ultimately very successful. It was soon discovered that my friend and I are not great planners or communicators. We had narrowed down our goals to Grand Canyon in the morning/afternoon and Hoover Dam in the evening. Typical us, we didn’t check closing times or leave early enough. It all started when I woke up 30 minutes late on only 6 hours of sleep. I shortened my workout to a 20 minute run and was out the door as fast as I could be. With a Starbucks oatmeal (made with soy milk, I added almond slices and a banana) and a soy latte in hand, we set out. Only problem was that it was already 9:30am and we had planned to hit the road closer to 8am after factoring in gym, breakfast, and traffic. So we trudged along through the desert, driving past more desert and then past more desert passing cows and small communities here and there. The view was obviously breathtaking but so different from New York. No pine trees line the roads and obstruct the view. Just an endless distance. And speaking of distance: The Grand Canyon. After 4.5 hours of driving, we finally made it. Dark clouds rolled closer and closer to the rim, so I scrambled as quickly, AND SAFELY, as possible to nearest edge, took a few photos, and we ran back to the car with rain dripping down our necks. Having spent only an hour, I know that this national park warrants much more and I vow to myself that I will return with my boyfriend for the scenic drive around the rim and an overnight hike. After this short but inspirational visit, we reluctantly headed home because we found out too late that the Hoover Dam closes at 5pm and the hike to the nearby hot spring is 3 hours roundtrip…

Day 4 was only a half-day in town. We treated ourselves to a $50 buffet at Caesars which, unfortunately, I enjoyed but don’t find worth the money. We squeezed as much as we could out of the last few hours in Vegas by partaking in some much needed tanning and relaxation at the pool of The Mirage and mentally prepared for another 4 hour drive. This time to Los Angeles.

Final Goodbye: Los Angeles

As the last vacation spot before my final destination, I indulged in the Smokin’ dish for dinner and the Content dish for breakfast at Café Gratitude— one of my all-time favorite vegan restaurants, I snapped photos of the Hollywood Sign and visited the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and I experienced hot yoga at Modo Yoga in Venice, CA. The sky was cloudy and the weather cool, not at all what I was expecting, so my dreams of soaking in the sun on an LA beach will have to come true during another visit.

Other highlights of this goodbye  included partaking in a cup of coffee at the large and workspace oriented café, Intelligentsia, and dinner at Plant Food & Wine, an upscale restaurant deserving of it’s pricy menu. I ordered the kelp noodles, avocado tikka, and tiramisu and nearly landed myself in a food coma it was so delicious. Abbott Kinney Blvd is a main hub for all things shopping and dining. A bustling street full of energy and opportunity while also maintaining a suburban feel. From there I enjoyed a 12min walk West to Venice Beach. Due to the clouds and breeze, parts of the boardwalk were virtually empty, several shops were closed, and I felt as though I had a treasure all to myself. I snapped a few more photos and took a moment to collect my thoughts and call my mother– the first time since leaving Rochester. She “walked” me around and kept me company while I was alone. A common activity that my parents have engaged in several times during my past adventures. Though 30 years old this year, I still look forward to my parents. What a blessing. The only downside to my visit to Venice Beach was my exposure to the number of homeless that live or hang out there. It made me so sad and brought back quick bursts of memories of the many homeless men and women I had cared for in the emergency department– often quite ineffective care given what these individuals really need.

This experience was in stark contrast to the one I had at Santa Monica Pier. Though the weather was more or less the same the following day, this visit to the beach was met with many more people enjoying the ferris wheel, playing arcade games, and sitting in the sand. People were dancing for tips and selling hand-made art. And I has happy to find the same energy a few blocks away at the pedestrian-only shopping area. Greeted by a statue of a rhino spewing out water into a pond, I fed off of the atmosphere around me until it was time to finally say goodbye to my Las Vegas companion and head back to Venice.

A final goodbye proved pivotal when it revealed itself as actually several hellos. The former NYC friend who is now my LA friend invited me to her early birthday party: bowling. I don’t really enjoy bowling (though I do have to admit that I’m not half bad when I get into the swing of it), but I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Initially overwhelming, I quickly warmed up to several of my friend’s friends and co-workers and it soon dawned on my why it was so important that this spontaneous event had transpired. I had seen my LA friend several times since my arrival, so it wasn’t necessarily so important that I could partake in this particular activity with her. Instead, my friend’s gift to me was the gift of meeting strangers. Going to her party and meeting new people helped me recognize in real time how the world will keep going despite me moving to Alaska. How there will always be opportunities to meet old friends and make new ones, If only I am willing to take them. How the time to make new friends is always now, and not just when I arrive at a new destination.

My goodbyes have been so meaningful, so fruitful. I am so humbled. I am so grateful. I am so scared. As my Uber inches toward LAX, the L.A. lights blinding me and the L.A. traffic smothering me, I have to accept that, from here on out, it will be mostly HELLOs.

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