I follow a plant-based diet for two reasons:
1) I sincerely believe it is kinder to the environment and to the other beings with whom I share this earth. It may not be perfect, but I am not striving for perfection. I am constantly analyzing myself and the ways in which I interact with the world to spot areas of improvement. My goal is not to be perfect, just better. And, more accurately, the best that I can be given what I know and what I have to work with.
2) I sincerely believe that it is better for my health. We have found ourselves at a time when we as world citizens are no longer content with the interests of companies dictating our lives and what is available to us. My purpose on this Earth is not to be addicted to someone’s product. My life’s goal is not to be one company’s experiment on how to get rich quicker and stay rich longer. If I choose to buy into the latest fashions, so be it. But my health should not be an aspect of which to manipulate me through advertising and faulty research into believing what certain individuals want me to believe. Good health is the point, for good health is the foundation upon which everything else in life lies– the ability to receive a good education if I am blessed enough to have one bestowed upon me, the ability to enjoy my family and friends if I am so fortunate to have any, and the energy with which to experience and share my passions, if I be so lucky to discover them. From the research that I have found to be honest and trustworthy, animal products are more like alcohol– have some, once in a while, and the body will happily get rid of the toxins and go about it’s business; have it all day, every day, and your organs will fail far earlier than they should in a significantly less graceful manner than they could.
Because I’m plant-based and low-sugar, people ask me all the time: “So, what do you eat!?!?”
It’s my favorite question! We are so used to eating a certain way that, until someone points it out, we have trouble seeing our food plates any other way. For example, when was the last time you paid $40 for a dish at a nice restaurant and it only had meat on it? I bet you never have. What kind of restaurant only serves a chicken leg or a piece of steak, no matter how juicy, without creamy potatoes, sweet corn, roasted peppers, asparagus, a side salad, or pasta??? I would consider it very low end, in fact, if I only got a piece of meat and nothing else. Even a burger is topped with lettuce, tomatoes, and onions and put between bread! But when I tell people that I don’t eat animal products, it’s as if the whole plate goes away, instead of just a portion of it, and it’s as if I’m actually eating nothing. That’s just because we aren’t used to seeing or hearing about plant-based dishes.
This post, however, is not about what I order when I eat out. Rather, I’d like to share with you what I eat when I’m at home. The point being that, when it comes to food, like mentioned above, it’s the choices we make regularly that determine our health, not the choices we make once in a while. So, please, find below a very incomplete list of some amazing plant-based, low-sugar food and drink options and how I choose to enjoy them. Always growing. Always improving. Go nuts!
Disclaimer: I eat the below-mentioned foods in addition to bomb ass salads and quinoa dishes that are filled with greens, veggies, beans, seeds, sweet potatoes, tofu, hummus, etc. Please don’t walk away from this post thinking that I only consume oatmeal, a protein bar, and La Croix and still have the energy to strength-train daily at the gym, work 40hrs a week + overtime, and go on any and every adventure possible. I eat my calories! Also, most vegan snacks are expensive for various reasons– recognize that snacks are not usually the best bang for your buck as far as nutrition goes. They are a treat! Enjoy them as such rather than as essential.
Plant-based, low-sugar Milk
- Wegman’s organic unsweetened vanilla almond milk—> the fewest calories!
- Wegman’s organic original soy milk
- Silk oatmilk—> the smoothest!
- Hemp milk—> grassier taste
- HOW I ENJOY: in my oatmeal for extra creaminess; in smoothies for a less bitter/sour taste; atop cereal; in lattes; in any and every way that cow’s milk is used. Non-dairy milks vary in thickness, creaminess, and taste so I find that experimenting with which one you prefer in your latte versus your smoothy is essential. Be careful to read the ingredients for added sugar!
Plant-based, low-sugar Oatmeal
- Earnest Eats cocoa-cashew-pepitas
- Any plain/original oatmeal
- HOW I ENJOY: make with almond, soy, or oat milk for creaminess (all three are creamier than cow’s milk, coconut milk, or rice milk); add 1/2 banana and blueberries or raspberries for sweetness; top with flax, chia, and cinnamon for needed nutrients; add peanut butter because, well, peanut butter! This is the first thing I consume every morning and before leaving the house along with a tall glass of water.
- PRO-TIP: cut with 1/2 packet of plain oatmeal to save money. 😋
Plant-based, low-sugar Granola:
- Love Grown (3g sugar)
- Maple Nut Kitchen, The Paleo Collection–Western Cocoa Cayanne or Maple Nut Granola (GF/V) (2g sugar; remaining 11 flavors range from 3-6g)
- Backroads (Ancient Grains has 0g sugar; Maple Pecan has 3g sugar; remaining flavors have 4g)—> my favorite
- Boulder Granola (ranges 2-3g sugar)
Plant-based, low-sugar Yogurt:
- Nancy’s probiotic oatmilk yogurt (0g sugar)—> my favorite!!
- Forager plain cashewgurt (1g sugar)—> more expensive
- Kite Hill plain, unsweetened (0g sugar)
- HOW I ENJOY: with blueberries and granola in the morning
Plant-based, low-sugar Protein Bar:
- Garden of Life Fit Life (1g sugar; no sugar alcohol)–> top pick!
- Garden of Life Organic Life (1g sugar)
- No Cow w/ caffeine (1g sugar; has sugar alcohol)
- Raw Rev (2-5g sugar)—> be careful, these are addicting; not grainy at all!
- HOW I ENJOY: perfect for camping and pocket snacks at work. Also a great fix for when you’re feeling like something sweet but don’t want to sacrifice your health for a cupcake. Watch out, though, as some bars are high fiber so you probably don’t want to throw back multiple in a row without proper hydration– they might not come out if you know what I mean… 🙄
Plant-based, low-sugar Snacks:
- Louisville Vegan Jerky Co.
- Smart Sweets gummy bears (3g sugar)
- Skinny Pop Popcorn (0g sugar)
- Hippeas (2g sugar)—> the white cheddar is addicting!!!
- Hummus w/ veggies—> nothing beats hummus, except maybe the above mentioned jerky dipped in hummus!
- HOW I ENJOY: Some of my favorite treats to bring camping or for a quick pick-me-up at work. I honestly don’t snack much but sometimes you just want to nibble, you know??
Plant-based, low sugar Beverages:
- Kevita– probiotics (Lemon Cayenne is 1g sugar; remaining range from 4-9g. (Note that one bottle is two servings… Smh. Also, I was told by my GYN specialist that the probiotics are really pure and so worth the sugar; I say stick to Lemon Cayenne or as low a sugar count as you can.)
- La Croix sparkling water—> because anyone who know me knows I hate the taste of plain water. 😋
- Zevia– if you’re craving soda; has stevia
Plant-based Wine:
- Barrique Pinot Noir
- Bogle Cabernet Sauvignon
- HOW I ENJOY: on occasion with a friend or my boyfriend; a real treat when on vacation. No more than a glass or two a week. No more than two glasses in a night. Use this website to see if a particular wine or liquor is vegan-friendly or not! http://www.barnivore.com
- NOTE: wine is made from grapes which have sugar in them, no getting around it to my knowledge.